Hello World.
About life and computers and engineering - a presentation I prepared and gave to 4 sections of the AP Computer Science class at my son's high school in May 2017.
foo.html This is a simple, pure html file that I added to just test out github.io.
jotrdl's star fluid Interesting "Chrome Experiment" created by jotrdl. I imported the jotrdl.github.io repo as a submodule, so it is running within the sirtom67.github.io page.
coollines.html As seen on Google+ in Sept. 2014: Bouncing lines in an HTML5 canvas using JQuery. This was very simple to put together and deploy. I started with David Bau's stuck_pixel_utility.html and just added a couple of moveTo, lineTo calls.
git documentation Essential reading for any git user!
canvas.html Playing with WebGL just for fun and to learn. A 2D rotating colorful square.
canvas3d.html Moar WebGL fun. A 3D rotating colorful cube.